Mook Jasper
Mook Jasper

I see a great foamy wave of milk getting ready to pound the edge of this Mook Jasper cabochon. Of course, where the seas are milk, the sky is red with yellow clouds (makes sense to me). What looks like lots of whitish flecks at the top are tiny yellowish areas in the cab; the whole cab is smooth and shiny. I stabilized this cabochon because it had several small healed by slightly open fractures (noticeable on the back of the cab). If you buy it and it breaks, I'll take it back.

Dimensions: 37mm x 24mm x 7mm.  Weight: 44.30 carats.

MOO031 - $18.00

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The artist cannot guarantee the accuracy of the identification of these cabochons, although he makes every reasonable effort to do so.
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