Here are some links to other fine lapidary & jewelry web sites!

Magazines, Organizations, and Lapidary Clubs

Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society.  My club!
Rock & Gem Magazine.  Since 1971, Rock & Gem has been the leading magazine for the lapidary and mineral hobbyist. Not a trade journal and not a scientific dissertation, it speaks to the average rockhound, providing just the right blend of entertainment and satisfying information. Armchair hobbyists and diehard diggers alike will find something to enjoy in each issue.
William Holland School of Lapidary Arts William Holland retreat in Young Harris, Georgia, is a rockhound's dream come true!

Gems & Minerals Web Sites...

Enter the EarthMy source for Ocean Jasper.  Nader & Amy Kawar have Ocean Jasper and all other sorts of beautiful items for sale, on the web and in Asheville, NC!

Cabochon & Jewelry Web Sites...

And now for something completely different... jewelry One-of-a-kind handcrafted precious metal and wire jewelry in both classic and funky styles featuring our designer lapidary.
Antique CameosFine antique cameos, some centuries old.
CameoJewelry.comA large selection of handcrafted cameo jewelry from jewelry designer Preston Reuther.
Elegant Designs by Ellen.  Elegantly designed and handcrafted Pendants and Jewelry symmetrically wire wrapped in 14 kt. Gold filled and Sterling Silver wire, unique, one of a kind, wearable art.
Facet Rough Gemstones.  Cab Rough Stones, Loose Natural Faceted Cut Gems and Gem Stone Cabochons.

Gem Country USA.  Thousands of gemstones at your fingertips! 
Julia Hutchins Designs.  
Unique, Handcrafted Jewelry - Custom baby & mothers bracelets, Earrings, Bracelets, Necklaces, Wedding Wine Charms, Beaded Bookmarks, Cell Phone Charms and more!
Larry E. Whittington; Lapidary Your source for Jewelry Cabochons, Collector Cabochons, Wire Wrapping Gemstones, Polished Specimens, and Tumbled Stones  A large selection of unique handcrafted jewelry from Preston Reuther.
The Handcrafted Jewelry MallA fine selection of handcrafted jewelry of all kinds. Includes a variety of jewelry from many artists.
Wire-Sculpture.comVideos, tips, beads, gemstones, and more wire jewelry making supplies!
Wire Treasures by Gloria. 
Designer cabochons wrapped in 14K Gold Filled and Sterling Silver wire.  Unique hand crafted pendants, earrings, and custom-fit bracelets.

Other Favorite Sites...

The Radio AtticOver 900 antique radios and radio-related items for sale (my other site)


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The artist cannot guarantee the accuracy of the identification of these cabochons, although he makes every reasonable effort to do so.
Descriptions or photos may not be used without permission.
© 2006, 2025  Bitter Brook Cabochons