Fordite Cabochon
Fordite Cabochon

Look closely at this Fordite cabochon. You may see a blue buzzard wearing a headlamp, ET looking over his shoulder, or the face of your weird Aunt Mabel in a very bad dream. You also see bright white & black swirls with a blue island. What you can't see in this admittedly imperfect photograph is the great polish this big cab took! Fordite is one of my favorites, and not just because it's rare and expensive. It looks incredible, too!

Dimensions: 29.5mm x 35mm x 6mm.  Weight: 20.30 carats.

FOR009 - $70.00

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The artist cannot guarantee the accuracy of the identification of these cabochons, although he makes every reasonable effort to do so.
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© 2006, 2025  Bitter Brook Cabochons