
Here's an interesting rock! One example of it has the hint of lace structure like Lace Agate, another has orbs like Ocean Jasper. This one has a gray material separating pinkish lacy areas from a milky matrix, and a big, almost translucent fracture (which has naturally healed) right through most of the cabochon. VERY interesting! The surface of this cab has numerous tiny pits in it (looked like surface crazing), so I stabilized it and gave it a coating of super glue. This allowed me to give it a better polish.

35mm x 25mm x 6mm.   Weight: 36.70 carats.

Every one of my cabochons is custom cut to take the best advantage of the particular slab from which it is fashioned. Colors may vary somewhat from what is pictured due to differences in computer monitors.

Click the image on the right to see the cabochon super-sized...

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